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Because we would always rather tackle issues pre-emptively than retrospectively undertake repairs or replacements, Qbit Property Management carries out regular reviews of communal areas in each building, identifying immediate and potential future works. We are therefore able to provide clients with quotes for any required work well in advance, and we will also keep people apprised of any re-evaluations, at no extra charge. We would much rather find solutions than simply send out bills.



While some managing agents may be conspicuous by their absence, Qbit Property Management takes a very hands-on approach to our responsibilities. We normally visit each site bi-monthly to conduct a formal inspection, although these can be increased to weekly visits, or even more frequently if required. We will inspect a site upon completion of any remedial or improvement works, and our maintenance manager will only authorise payment if the work meets our exacting standards.

Qbit Property Management can undertake project management on major works, from roofing to road resurfacing, even organising any necessary legal consultation notices. For this, we charge just six per cent of the total costs – roughly half the rates levied by most of our competitors. It’s perhaps unsurprising that we have established an excellent rapport with all our clients, developing enviable levels of trust along the way.

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